Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Measuring the distance to the goal

My Health Econ final is tomorrow night. (Yes, night. 7-10p. Dude! Anyway...)

I like to know how I need to perform in order to make my A. So, curves aside, here's the math:

Requirement   Possible   Actual   
Problem Sets1514.3
Exam 12019.8
Exam 22020
Policy Paper1515
Final Exam30?

Since time immemorial, UT has awarded only whole-letter grades for classes (A, B, C, D, and F). But starting this semester they're adding + and - into the mix, albeit with no A+ possible, so the bar for an A just rose from 90 to 93. Bummer.

Therefore for an uncurved A I need 93 points total, or an additional 23.9 points out of a possible 30, which means a 80 or better on the final. (For an uncurved A-, which is not what I want, I need a 70 or better on the final.)

Wish me luck.

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